Hello my name is Philip Davidson, author of the multi-part Tipton Saga. I think it safe to say The Tipton Saga slowly evolves into an epic fantasy, one of excitement, and one of hope. It has an expansive plot developed over many years with an unusual mix of reality and the imagined. Over that long period the writing must have improved, almost on a par with my late and great father. I only realised this when I received the first batch of reviews which astounded me in how good they were. Since then, everyone seems to have enjoyed this first book. So – first let me start with a summary of those first group of reviews.
Gripping... Beautifully portrays the passage of time... Compelling… Felt like I was in a time machine… Could not put it down… Unique captivating experience… Read it in one hit... Exceeded my expectations… Amazing story line… Absolutely devoured it… Highly recommended… Author does an exceptional job… thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in this world… Can’t wait to read next instalment… Kept me on the edge of my seat… Philip Davidson does an amazing job of putting you in the scene… The author if an amazing writer!
Oh what music to my ears. As a first time author can you understand how this uplifts? Do these condensed review make you curious enough to read the book. I hope so. I am a novice at this self promotion, rather uncomfortable doing it, and wishing someone else was taking care of it.
Anyway, let me introduce my great father and The Tipton Saga
My Father & The Tipton Saga
In his day my father was a prestigious best-selling author, and three times winner of the coveted crime writers Gold Dagger award. He won many other awards too. Only three films were made of his books. One feature film, and two television serials. If only he had let me cooperate with him on the film side I feel he would have many more, and they would probably be A-list films. I constantly get enquiries about film rights on his two great adventure novels: The Rose of Tibet & Kolymsky Heights. Unfortunately he sold the film rights on these books to Hollywood in perpetuity. Their accountants simply keep them as stock. Oh dad, why did you do that? Kolymsky Heights was released again a few years ago and was another big best seller. This was because of his writing. The man was a genius storyteller. When I was a child he told me enchanting magical bedtime stories especially for me, thank you dad. People said of him that his words jumped off the page. Many will remember his last book Kolymsky Heights, but that will probably fade soon. It is sad what a fast changing throw-away society we have become. In fact Kolymsky Heights was not his last book, but that is another story. I feel my dad is cooperating now, because my writing has become far better. So thank you dad, and do love you. More now. I know you loved me deeply some of the time, and hope you will love me more, as time goes on.
Now to my trilogy.
Some time after my father passed away I wrote a feature film script which I considered had many innovative attributes, and did not want it ripped off. Therefore I decided to transcribe the script into book form, and reckoned this might take four or five weeks. Rabbit holes!
Five years and three books later it was still not finished because I thought of an epic theme. Something so epic that it would turn The Tipton Saga into an epic fantasy. I rewrote the first book which is now out. I rewrote the second book which is finished and waiting to be published. During the course of rewriting the second book I developed cancer which made it a little hairy. Hopefully it is now under control. The third book is being rewritten and be available shortly. I say The Tipton Saga is epic and you may wonder why. I say this without intention of boasting, but say it as a fact because it is. I do not want to reveal it now because the epic fantasy begins to be revealed at the end of Birth of the Tiptons and do not wish to spoil the surprise. Lately, however, have thought it would make an epic fantasy film series. There are not many ideas around like this one. For anyone interested, and for the curious, I have produced a two page document called UNIQUE ELEMENTS OF THE TIPTON SAGA WORLD, which explains. I will send this if you request it. You can contact me at the bottom of this page.
People have said Birth of the Tiptons is an easy to read enjoyable book so please give it a try, even the very cheap e-book, and be the first to read something that may turn into something much bigger. If you are on the south coast of England I could possibly sign it too!
Some people describe this book as a merging of the history and fantasy genres. It does have some true history, and I hope you enjoy it, but personally I would describe it as a merging of history, and alternative history. History that could be – I do not want to reveal too much here and let you discover
Birth of the Tiptons follows the lives of the first generation of the Tipton family, from 1810 to 1850. The twin Tipton boys grow up in a Black Country orphanage and see the industrial revolution taking shape. However it appears an external force is pulling the strings on the boys. Not one force, but two, and this is because of their highly unusual parentage which they are initially unaware of.
In adulthood one brother joins the East India Company, the other a large industrial ironworks. They have a fallout and a near fatal fight in the half built Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, but they come together for Georges application to the Great Exhibition of 1851. After a brush with royalty it becomes necessary to escape to the new world and lay low for five generations as the enormity of the of their task is revealed.
Part two (coming soon) concern the two Tipton present day women who have to carry out this task.

You should be able to order from most bookshops around the world.If you want to check it more goto Amazon. It is available there both in physical and low priced ebook. In the ebook section you can read the first chapter for free, so check it out. to
However spare a thought for your local bookseller, or library. Please try and buy from your local book store. We are trying to make it accessible to stock everywhere.
To connect up with me: X – @TiptonSaga Instagram @TiptoSaga
(I have to admit I am total novice on social media, but hopefully I will get the hang of it soon.
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